2day is the last day of holiday..
haiz.... so fast.. its over de..
bt nvm..
tis holiday lyk nth wan.. so dun care.. xD
gt 2 c friends 2moro de.. YAY!
wonder wat i did tis holiday!
1st Sunday
sleep sleep sleep..
damn tired bcos of campfire! =D
Mondaychoral speaking practise in the morning..
straight went 2
wei yi's house after chorol speaking...
i din walk back home. instead i walked 2 Wei Yi's house wif her..
i hv 2 admit tat i scare the feeling when
alone.. =S
mom came n fetched me at 12 sumthing abt 1..
at nitex.. ttn..
Tueswent 2 skool for choral speakin practise..
then do nth 4 the ress of the time..
Wedagain choral speakin practise in skool..
abt 12.45.. went 2
Jodene's house for
Sej folio..
Weng Sim n
Zoe 2.. xD
gossip there.. went down buy
laksa.. bcos we finish it veri fast..
*actually haven finish lar. juz finish wat we hv 2 do on tat day.*went home abt 7.
ThursNo more Choral Speakin practise! YaY!
went 2 QB wif
Xuan n her bro!
meet up wif Wei Yi, Gaik Sim, hansel n his friends be4 Xuan reach..

reali admire them tat they can juz do watever they like n they r so brave 2 face all the prob! ^^
the dogs were
cute 2!
Romeo n
Juliet! LOL!
me n xuan bought same
earrings at Vince n Co! yay! xP
abt 6 sumthing..
her mom came..
after buying sum clothes for her bro..
then i folowed her back..
after abt half n hour.. mom came.. so blah..
Frido nth n sms the whole day =)
Satwent 2
Sir Tian Hong's House for
campfire final meeting..
then straight went 2 QB wif
Wei yi. Gaik Sim. Cheryll. Li Ying. Lai Sin. Meredy. Caryn. Lam. Siong. n Lam n Siong's friend..its fun 4 sum times..
juz hang around.. no movie..
Sushi for lunch at
Sakae.. xD
n n N N N ..
nth much.. xD