Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Life at Utar Sungai Long

In a blink of an eye, it's already my last trimester for Year 2 as an Accounting student in Utar. Please get yourself updated if you still think that I am studying in Kampar, *some of my friends still thought that I'm studying in Kampar :/*. The chapter of my life there already ended 2years ago. Here's my My 1 Year Life in Kampar.
Disclaimer : Utar doesn't pay me to write this post. This is purely for my own record and memories, and since quite a number of people e-mailed me to ask for information after I posted my life in Kampar. hehe

As mentioned, I am currently pursuing Bachelor of Accounting(4years degree) in UTAR Sungai Long. There is Commerce Accounting(3 years) in Kampar. Friends or family be like "Why don't you take the course in Kampar since its a year shorter and nearer to Penang while Sungai Long is further and the course is longer?". The one is Sg Long is so much harder, only for that MIA recognition. Every trimester is getting harder, very tiring. Imma already half dead. :X

Fyi, UTAR has 4 campuses in total which has different faculty at different campus. Main campus is in Kampar, Perak. Another three including the one I am studying right now - Sungai Long, Petaling Jaya and Setapak, which both of the campus will be moving to Sungai Long in this coming May2015 semester. Dont get confused.

I know most people has no clue where is Sungai Long, or never even heard about this place. So, Sungai Long is actually in Selangor, not KL. Many people mistaken that Sungai Long is in KL because it is near to KL. It's actually a small place in between Cheras and Kajang. Just around 25min distance to KL(Pudu, Times Square, Pavillion area) by car without jam.

preparation for RunningMan 2015 event.
UTAR Sg Long is very very different as compared to UTAR Kampar. Unlike Utar Kampar that has numbers of blocks, UTAR Sg Long is only a 9-floors building. A new building is constructed right behind the current building tho as PJ and Setapak campus are moving here.

A photo posted by Camy Lau 👀 (@camylau) on
I have culture shocked when I first came here. Everything is so different here. It's only a 9-floors building with limited classrooms, a few small lecture halls*even the biggest lecture hall is way smaller compared to those in Kampar*, a small bookstore and Public Bank ATM, a small cafeteria, a 2-floors library, computer labs, some labs for MBBS Faculty. However, it definitely benefit those lazy people like me as we need not walk much, lifts will bring me to every floor I want :D. Anyway, I really hope that they will provide more facilities in the new building, like gym. hehehe

As for accommodation, most of the students here stay at the condominiums nearby. Flora Green, Scotpine, Cypress and Forest Green Condo are within walking distance. Many students even consider the Terrace house around or those condominiums slightly further nowadays cause there are limited rooms available since PJ and Setapak campus are moving here and the rental for the condo nearby increased like nobody business.

my jogging track :P

For me, I have been staying in Flora Green Condo, everything seems pretty good for me here except for the brainless owner I faced when I first moved out. The security here is quite strict, we need access card to enter and leave, visitors(students) are required to register at the guard house, which many students find it troublesome. There is a swimming pool and I can jog in the compound when I am free. It's near for me to get food at the shop lots out there. Most importantly, I need not wake up early to prepare for classes or I can just come home to take a nap when I have break time as it's only a few minutes walk to uni(right opposite). Best of all, we have Unifi here! *that's practically how I fell for Youtube :O*

Basically, my transport here - my leg, since it's only a few minutes walk to Uni. For those who plan to stay further, heard that Utar bus will be provided or some even considered cycling*personally thinks that it's quite dangerous here cause its unlike Kampar that has huge roads with little cars*. On the other hand, for those who plan to drive, the parking space around uni is very very limited.

Besides, I have personal drivers to bring me around - Rapid KL. U41 is all we have. Sg Long is the first station all the way to Pudu, and last station back to Sg Long. I kind of became indoorsy there cause I'm too lazy to hang out as it takes hours to reach home if I need to take public transport. For once my friends and I wanted to come back from KLCC at 9pm, and we ended up reaching Sg Long at 12am. However, it's convenience for us to reach MidValley as we can just take Rapid U41 to Serdang KTM then take KTM to MidValley station, that's it. Otherwise, take Rapid U41 to Serdang KTM, take the train to Bandar Tasik Selatan and change to LRT if wanna go somewhere else.

MRT please be done faster so that I can go Kai Kai easily :P.

A photo posted by Camy Lau 👀 (@camylau) on
Bus and Plane will bring me back Penang. If there are cheap flights, then I will take plane. Otherwise, i'll take bus back Penang. Its quite inconvenience to take bus especially during public holiday. The jam is crazy. There was once I took bus from Penang at 5.30pm and ended up reached Puduraya at 2am. Luckily I have a 烂好人friend who stayed up to wait for me and fetch me back from Pudu. Besides, usually I need to leave Sg Long 2 hours before to catch the bus in Pudu, which ended up became a 7 hours journey. Plane will takes some times too as I need to reach airport earlier tho, but definitely not as much as Bus.

Food? Economy rice stalls are available here. There are a few chicken rice shops, coffee shops and hawker along the streets. Typical KL food like Pan Mee, 猪肉粉,碟子饭 are all available here. Sushi King, Uncle Jang, Padi House, Nando's, Primo, and many more are all available at Mahkota Cheras. There is a Pasar Malam behind the uni every Tuesday night and Pasar Pagi at the same spot everyday. Hungry at midnight, 24 hours Mamak will save you.

I usually prefer to have dinner at home *Yes, I have housemates that cook well* so we can save some money for good food once a while and have more healthy meal. I think my hair dropped a lot ever since I study at Kampar and have most of my meal outside.

A photo posted by Camy Lau 👀 (@camylau) on

A photo posted by Camy Lau 👀 (@camylau) on
A photo posted by Camy Lau 👀 (@camylau) on
Kampar has beautiful scenery. So does Sungai Long, provided its not hazy. The previous house I stayed can view Sunrise, and the current one face the sunset and part of the sunrise.

I am grateful to meet good companions wherever I go. them. They play an important role to colour my life in Sg Long. Not forgetting Xiao Fei, that pig :P. We don't usually call each other best friend but somehow I feel that we are more than friends, like a family, more like sisters to me. Knowing that we will be there for each other, helping one another even though we might get mad at each other sometimes xD.

Not forgetting my previous housemates that helped me when I first came to this strange place, bring me out for dinner and care for me. :D

I kindda miss the feeling in Kampar that I need not worry if I cycle out at midnight, there are still lots of students on the street. Sg Long is so quiet after 10pm except for Mamak.

Going intern so soon! Hopefully I can find a good company and learn in it without becoming half dead. Dare not picture my life during intern T_T.

Like Vault of Camy


Nicole Yie said...

This post makes me have a better view of sungai long before i move there! thanks camy! we should meet up some day to yumcha after i moved there! XD


rebecca said...

Ahhh, PJ campus's environment is even worse than SG.Long, Sg. Long is much much better but anyway I just done wf my exam, hopefully I'll pass, graduate on August! If not, I will see you in Sg. Long. LOL! You still have long way to go thou, good luck! =D

Charmaine Pua said...

I actually wished to experience studying in a large campus like Kampar. Last time at PJ is like a factory only. Very sien...


May said...

Nice view of your school...just reminded me of my school few years that passed.

PohLin said...

omg! that photo! I cannot acceptttt~~~ hahaha.
So senior camy is writing this for your juniors?

Camy said...

Nicole, hope that it help! :D
rebecca, all the best :D
Charmaine, haha trueeeeee.
May, ohhh go back and visit ur school then
PohLin, haha damn cute of us. :P yeah lo :D

mark chan said...

Wow I have been staying around here for more than 10 years! Definately you covered everything

mark chan said...

Wow I have been staying around here for more than 10 years! Definately you covered everything

Unknown said...

Seriously u drop a very good description on sg long UTAR and also it surrounding. Anyhow just wanna intro myself to you, as my name is Ken, and I was looking for part timer to work in my board game cafe. Are you interested or any recommendation? Can drop me an email or wechat id: feicaiken

Unknown said...

Hi Camy !~^^ may I know is there any sport facilities in sg long campus? I gonna start my foundation in may .

Tiffany said...

Hi Camy! I'm wondering if visitors are allowed to enter the library?

Noob2 Genora said...

Thank you for sharing your experience! I will go to UTAR (SG Long) next month(may)! Very EXCITED now.

KJC said...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience studying in UTAR Sungai Long. Because I really really need some advice. Also, if you don't mind telling me, do you have any friend studying bachelor of physiotherapy? I am interested in this course but I am not sure is it suitable for me. Most of my friend (whom their friends are studying in UTAR too) told me that business related course in UTAR is good but they never mention any of the health science course. So I am wondering how is the teaching and facilities in UTAR for physiotherapy course... Please give me some advice or recommendations. Thank you.

Camy said...

KJC, oh dear, sorry for the late reply. u should have emailed me. i have friends studying physiotherapy too. do email me at if u are still interested to ask abt it :)