Saturday, February 11, 2012

Glowing Turtles

*gosh, i didn't know turtles are so beautiful and they glow*
others might not realise who you are,
but remember, you are beautiful the way you are :D


Henry Tan said...

wow where did u snap that photo one! nice eh! haha anyway yup! you are beautiful just the way you are! =D

LuPorTi said...

Yalo! I didn't know it too until I visited Segala.

Nava K said...

Lovely pic and I have to agree with you on the beauty of the turtle.

Shuwen said...

wooah, nice pic !!! WHere is this ?

Josarine said...

Wow.... So pretty...

Camy said...

Henry, it's at Lumut. ahahah thanks :D
LuPorTi, that's cool! *high fives*
Nava.K, thanks :D
Shuwen, it's at lumut there :D
Josarine, thankss