Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nerdy Specs

there you go =)
muahaha, me likey +)


Koh Kian Fai said...

me likey too! haha u read too much book is it? XD

Nick said...

me likey likey likey three :)

Ken Wooi said...

ok what.. not so nerdy also.. lol

Unknown said...

agree with Ken - not so nerdy lerrr

crazywrazy said...

Woots! your specs remind me of my cousin! hehehe the guy on my blog header now wear the same kind of black specs as you wear! Makes ppl very very cute! As cute as Kian Fai can!

Camy said...

Kian Fai, LOL! the problem is i don't read. =X
Nick, thanks =)
Ken, LOL!!!!
Philip, heheheh
Crazywrazy, nooooo i'm the special one =D