Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nikon Photo Competition

weee! i'm excited now!
i just simply submitted some photo to this Nikon Photo Competition. thought that all the photos will get rejected.
but suprisingly they accepted some of my photo!!!!!
Help me Like it and give some comments! thanks alot =DDD

Sunday, May 15, 2011


exam week.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I made it!

muahaha! i got 23rd.
i made it! =)
was going up and down.
with my stupid stomachache.
and stamina-less.
was super tiring and the teachers made us sit under the hot sun.
the smart us borrowed an umbrella from teacher =)
overall, USM is not a nice place for jogging. =X
you'll be dead because of the Ups and Downs